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Graduate Teaching/Research Assistantships

Bodenheimer Fellowship Awardees

Revised July 2024.

No service is required of a recipient of a Bodenheimer Fellowship. Once awarded, the student just needs to be enrolled as a full-time student in EECS. The minimum load is determined by the required hours of work for the assistantship. For a ¼-time assistantship, 9 hours during a Fall or Spring semester is the minimum course load. For a ½-time assistantship, 6 hours during a Fall or Spring semester is the minimum course load.

A recipient is generally also offered a choice of the following:

(1) a 1/4-time teaching assistantship in return for working 10 hours per week with a monthly stipend of $896.75 with tuition and health insurance paid.

(2) a 1/2-time research assistantship in return for working 20 hours per week with a monthly stipend of $2,391.33 (or higher) with tuition and health insurance paid.

(3) a combination of 1/4-time teaching and 1/4-time research assistantships in return for working 20 hours per week with a monthly stipend of $2,092.42 (or higher) with tuition and health insurance paid.

Minimum stipend for a 20-hour Graduate Assistantship: $21,522  = $2,391.33 x 12 months.

Tuition and fees are listed for in-state:

Fall (9+ hours): $6,810

Spr (9+ hours): $6,810

Sum (6 hours): $4,296


Tuition Total: $17,916

Healthcare Ins. = $240 x 12 = $ 2,880

GTA Total: $40,245 = $2,928 + $19,401 + $17,916

A GTA/GRA assistantship is worth over $40K per year including tuition and health insurance.

With the Bodenheimer Fellowship of $12K, the package exceeds $52K.